What are Instagram Stories?

Kristian Ole Rørbye

Af Kristian Ole Rørbye


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Instagram Stories are a feature on the Instagram platform that allows users to share photos, videos, and other forms of content that disappear after 24 hours. Launched in August 2016, this feature has quickly become one of the most popular ways for users and brands to engage with their followers. Stories offer a unique way to share moments more informally and spontaneously compared to the traditional Instagram feed.

How Instagram Stories Work

Instagram Stories appear at the top of the Instagram app in the form of circular profile icons. When users tap on these icons, they can view the Stories that have been posted by the accounts they follow. Each piece of content in a Story is called a “slide,” and these slides can include images, videos, text, stickers, and interactive elements like polls or quizzes.

Once a Story is posted, it is visible to the account’s followers for 24 hours before it disappears. Users have the option to save their Stories to their device or archive them in a private section of their profile for future reference.

Features of Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories come with a range of features that make them a versatile tool for sharing content. Some of the key features include:

  • Photos and Videos: Users can share both photos and videos up to 15 seconds long per slide. Videos longer than 15 seconds are automatically split into multiple slides.
  • Text: Text can be added on top of photos and videos to provide context, ask questions, or add a creative flair.
  • Stickers: Instagram offers a variety of stickers, including location tags, hashtags, mentions, and interactive stickers like polls, questions, and quizzes. These stickers can enhance engagement by prompting followers to interact directly with the Story.
  • Filters and Effects: Similar to Snapchat, Instagram Stories provide a range of filters and effects that can be applied to both photos and videos to alter their appearance. These include color filters, augmented reality effects, and more.
  • Music: Users can add music to their Stories, choosing from a vast library of songs available on Instagram. The selected track plays in the background of the Story, enhancing its mood and atmosphere.
  • Swipe-Up Links: For accounts with over 10,000 followers or verified accounts, Instagram offers the ability to add swipe-up links. This feature allows users to link directly to external websites, making it a powerful tool for driving traffic and conversions.

Why Instagram Stories Matter for Marketers

Instagram Stories have become a crucial element of social media marketing strategies. Here’s why they are important for marketers:

  • High Engagement: Stories are designed to be engaging and immersive. With features like polls, questions, and quizzes, brands can interact with their audience in real-time, increasing engagement and fostering a stronger connection with followers.
  • Authenticity and Spontaneity: Unlike polished Instagram feed posts, Stories often capture more authentic, behind-the-scenes moments. This authenticity can help brands build trust and show a more relatable side to their audience.
  • Increased Visibility: Since Stories are positioned at the top of the Instagram app, they are one of the first things users see when they open the app. This prime placement can lead to increased visibility and reach for brands.
  • Analytics: Instagram provides insights on Stories, such as the number of views, replies, and actions taken (like swipe-ups). These analytics help brands understand what content resonates with their audience and refine their strategy accordingly.
  • Temporary Content: The 24-hour lifespan of Stories creates a sense of urgency, encouraging users to check them frequently. This can be especially beneficial for time-sensitive promotions, announcements, or limited-time offers.

Creative Ways to Use Instagram Stories

There are many creative ways that brands and users can utilize Instagram Stories to engage their audience. Some of these include:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Sharing behind-the-scenes footage of a photoshoot, event, or day in the office can give followers a more intimate look at a brand, fostering a deeper connection.
  • Product Demos and Tutorials: Brands can use Stories to demonstrate how to use a product or service, highlighting features and benefits in a dynamic and engaging format.
  • User-Generated Content: Sharing content created by followers or customers can boost credibility and show appreciation for the community. It also encourages more followers to create content related to the brand.
  • Exclusive Announcements: Instagram Stories can be used to make exclusive announcements or share news that hasn’t been posted elsewhere. This can include new product launches, upcoming events, or special promotions.
  • Polls and Questions: Engaging followers with polls or questions not only drives interaction but also provides valuable insights into audience preferences and opinions.

Best Practices for Using Instagram Stories

To maximize the effectiveness of Instagram Stories, consider the following best practices:

  • Consistent Branding: Use consistent colors, fonts, and themes to ensure your Stories align with your overall brand aesthetic.
  • Engage with Interactive Elements: Utilize stickers like polls, quizzes, and questions to encourage followers to interact with your Stories. The more interactive your content, the more likely it is to be engaged with.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: While you can upload multiple slides in a Story, it’s best to keep each one concise. Longer Stories can lead to viewer drop-off, so focus on delivering your message clearly and quickly.
  • Monitor Analytics: Regularly check the performance of your Stories to understand what types of content are most effective with your audience. Use this data to refine your approach and experiment with different formats.
  • Leverage Highlights: Even though Stories disappear after 24 hours, you can save them to your profile as Highlights. This allows followers to view important content at any time, giving Stories a longer shelf life and more exposure.

Instagram Stories are a dynamic and versatile tool that offer numerous opportunities for engagement, creativity, and marketing. By leveraging their unique features and following best practices, brands can effectively connect with their audience and enhance their presence on the platform.

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