No Cure No Pay SEO

SEO specialist with 18 years of experience

No top 10, no payment

Transparency in the process

Contact us

Do you have a website that isn’t performing optimally in Google? Do you dream of attracting more relevant traffic and increasing your revenue?

Our No Cure No Pay SEO solution is always carried out by our senior SEO expert, Kristian Ole Nørbye, so we’ll leave the talking to him.

As an experienced SEO specialist with 18 years of experience, I now offer a unique “No Cure No Pay” scheme that gives you a guarantee of success. You only pay if your website reaches the top 10 on Google!

I understand that investing in SEO can be a challenge when you’re not sure of the results. With No Cure No Pay, I remove the risk for you.

You only pay if I deliver success.

Conditions for “No Cure No Pay” SEO

Resultatbaseret SEO - FÃ¥ garanti med "No Cure No Pay SEO"

To ensure the best possible results with my No Cure No Pay plan, the following conditions apply:

  • Website over 1 year old: An established website typically already has some authority in Google, making SEO work more effective.
  • Subpage(s) over 6 months old: Existing pages are often indexed by Google and have the potential to rank higher.
  • Current ranking between 11 and 50: Pages that are already close to the top 10 generally have an easier time reaching this goal.
  • The website has links: Links from other websites increase the authority of the website, but it is not a requirement for participation.
  • Legitimate company (TAX number): This ensures that we work with reputable companies.

Note: My focus is on the site itself, but I may suggest creating internal links if they don’t already exist. However, link building is not included in this service.

If your website meets these conditions, please feel free to contact me for

Methodology and what you can expect from me

When you choose my No Cure No Pay scheme, you can expect a transparent and efficient process.

If your website meets the above conditions and you want to take advantage of my guarantee, you can see the process below:

The 8 steps of my working method:

  • Request (customer): You contact me to discuss your website and your requirements.
  • Site/website check (Kristian): I review your website to assess its potential.
  • Site agreement (Kristian): Together we choose the specific site to optimize.
  • Access to GSC and website (Customer): You give me access to Google Search Console (GSC) and your website for the optimization.
  • Current ranking measurement (Krisitan): I measure the current ranking of the selected page in Google.
  • On-page optimization (Kristian): I perform on-page SEO optimization on the selected page.
  • Highest ranking measurement after 3 months (Krisitan): After 3 months, I measure the highest position the page has achieved in Google.
  • Invoice/no invoice (customer): If the page reaches the top 10 in Google within 3 months, I will send an invoice. If not, you pay nothing.

Do you have any questions?

Get personal guidance from Kristian

Learn how SEO can increase your sales

Leverage industry best SEO practices

Transparent communication is important to me.

I’ll keep you updated on the process and progress. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

When you choose my No Cure No Pay plan, you can expect a thorough and professional approach to your website’s on-page SEO.

I start by conducting an in-depth analysis of your website and its current ranking in Google.

I then create a tailored strategy to optimize your website for keywords relevant to your target audience.

My work focuses exclusively on white hat techniques that comply with Google’s guidelines. This means you can rest assured that your website’s ranking in Google will be long-lasting and sustainable.

I work exclusively with on-page SEO, which means I don’t do link building when working with No Cure No Pay.

This makes my approach even more white hat and ensures that your website doesn’t risk being penalized by Google.

Here are a few of the on-page SEO techniques I use:

  • Optimizing title tags and meta descriptions
  • Optimizing content for relevant keywords
  • Internal link structure
  • Image optimization
  • Load time optimization

I’ll keep you updated on my progress and you’re always welcome to contact me with any questions or concerns.

How we measure results

no cure no pay SEO eksempel

To ensure accuracy and transparency, we use Google Search Console (GSC) to measure your website’s Google ranking. GSC is the official tool from Google that provides the most reliable data on your keyword rankings.

We measure the current ranking for the selected keywords before we start the optimization. We then continuously monitor the page’s ranking in Google and document the progress.

When we have achieved a result

If your page reaches the top 10 in Google within 3 months, you pay for the highest position achieved during this period. We create a detailed report based on GSC data that shows your page’s ranking over time.

Remember: No results, no payment! If your site doesn’t reach the top 10 within 3 months, you pay nothing.


If I succeed in getting your site within the top 10 on Google for the agreed keyword within 3 months, I will invoice you based on the highest position achieved during this period.

Position measured in Google Search ConsolePrice in Thai Baht
Position 102800
Position 96000
Position 88800
Position 712000
Position 614800
Position 517600
Position 420800
Position 323600
Position 226400
Position 130000

Pros and cons

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons for you as a customer and for me as a provider.

Benefits for the customer:

  • No risk: You only pay if your site reaches the top 10 in Google.
  • Focus on results: You can be confident that the SEO provider is motivated to succeed.
  • Predictable price: You know exactly what you’re paying for before we start.
  • Transparent results: You get detailed reports on your site’s ranking in Google.

Disadvantages for the customer:

  • Limited to top 10: You only pay to reach the top 10, not to achieve the best possible ranking.
  • Longer process: It can take longer to achieve results than traditional SEO.
  • Not all websites are eligible: The website must meet certain conditions to participate in No Cure No Pay.

Benefits for the SEO provider:

  • Motivated to succeed: I only get paid if you deliver results.
  • No wasted resources: I only work with clients who are serious about improving their online visibility.
  • Predictable earnings: I know exactly how much I can earn when you reach the top 10 with a keyword/phrase.

Disadvantages for the SEO provider:

  • Higher risk: I may not get paid for your work if you don’t achieve results.
  • Longer time to monetization: It can take longer to make money compared to traditional SEO.
  • Limited to top 10: I can’t bill for achieving the best possible ranking, only for reaching the top 10.

“No Cure No Pay” SEO can be an attractive solution for both customers and SEO providers. However, it’s important to be aware of both the pros and cons before entering into an agreement.

Previous results

Here you can see a selection of my previous results with “No Cure No Pay” SEO.


Is No Cure No Pay SEO too good to be true?

“No Cure No Pay” SEO can be an effective way to improve your website’s ranking in Google if you choose an experienced SEO specialist. The model ensures that the provider is motivated to achieve results as payment is dependent on success. However, it’s important to choose a provider that focuses on long-term and sustainable SEO techniques to ensure lasting results.

What guarantees do I get?

With my “No Cure No Pay” SEO plan, you only pay if your site reaches the top 10 in Google for your chosen keywords within 3 months. If it doesn’t, you pay nothing. You’ll also receive detailed reports documenting your site’s ranking in Google over time.

Is “No Cure No Pay” SEO more expensive than traditional SEO?

In some cases, “No Cure No Pay” SEO can be slightly more expensive than traditional SEO as the provider takes on a higher risk. However, the model gives you the benefit of knowing exactly what you’re paying for and you only pay for tangible results.